Showing 13 Result(s)

For Better Health, What Can You Add?

When you think about your health, nutrition, physical health, mental and emotional, or spiritual health, do you think about it as, “Oh no, I have to give up something?” What if I told you, it’s more important to add something in? Instead of denying yourself, think about what can you add in for nourishment – …

How to Balance Occupational and Intellectual Wellness for a Healthier You After 40

Do you like your job? Or if you’re retired or not working outside the home, do you like what you’re doing? Do you feel stimulated or challenged in a healthy way at what you do? Since we’ve been talking about all the dimensions in wellness, have you ever thought of how your occupation, volunteering, or …

The Greatest Wealth is Health

You’ve heard of health and wellness and probably are trying to do something to help yours, right? But what really is health and wellness? Are they the same or different? And how do you even work on improving yours? As a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, I am often asked these questions. Wellness …

Is Stress Causing Your High Histamine Levels?

What’s another big issue that may be causing your high histamine levels? Stress! We all have stress in our lives. But it’s our reaction to the stress that determines how our bodies and minds handle that stress. And if we live in a perpetual state of stress without learning how to manage it, that’s what …

Simplify Your Life to Improve Your Physical and Mental Health

Do you always feel stressed or anxious rushing from one thing to another? Do you need to simplify your life? And did you know that we can have clutter mentally and emotionally, not just physically?  This month we are talking about how simplification of your life actually is necessary for a healthy life and how …