“I have learned that faith means trusting in advance what will only make sense in reverse.” — Philip Yancey

Faith is an important part of my life so I knew I couldn’t leave this out of my website. I really like this quote from Philip Yancey because it describes why many say they don’t believe in God nor do they have faith. They think they have to understand before they can believe. But God has gently reminded me throughout my life that even though I don’t completely understand why I’m going through certain circumstances, He is there and has always been. Just because I didn’t believe didn’t make Him not there! So every day I remind myself how God has always been in my life — in the bad times and the good times — when my mother died of lung cancer when she was only 49 and I was a senior in college as well as when I lovingly cuddled my precious newborn babies. He has been my rock and my strength, and I can trust Him. He alone totally loves me unconditionally even when I didn’t love myself. He created me in His image and made me to love Him and others. Part of being healthy is understanding your spiritual area and needs in life. I am praying for you that You will feel His presence. May you know that I care about you as well.