Showing 57 Result(s)

Chronic Pain: Are You One of the Many?

Did you know there are 100 million Americans who experience chronic pain – more than those who have diabetes, heart disease, and cancer combined?  And I’m sure you know that pain is your body’s alarm system. So when you feel pain, your body is telling you something is wrong and needs attention. Living with chronic …

How to Figure Out What is Triggering Your Skin Rashes, Itching, Hives?

Have you been having any skin issues? Rashes, hives, eczema, bumps, blisters, psoriasis, rosacea, itching, etc.? And maybe you’ve been to your doctor or dermatologist who treated you with topical antibiotic or corticosteroid cream. And maybe that helped …. for a while…. But then it stopped. And your symptoms returned, and you’re not sure what …

Why You Need Exercise Snacking for Physical and Mental Health

Have you ever heard of exercise snacking? I know you know what snacking of food is – eating a small portion of food for energy and to help satisfy the hunger pains until mealtime. But exercise snacking is an interesting concept. And it can be extremely helpful even if you have chronic health issues. And …

Eating More Carbs May Help Fatigue, Digestive, or Autoimmune Issues

Do you have fatigue, brain fog, bloating, and weight issues (maybe autoimmune or menopausal symptoms) but just don’t know the first step to help? If so, I’m going give you right now one step you can take today. Eat more carbs. Yes. You read that right. Now don’t be fooled into thinking carbs (AKA carbohydrates) …

Is Stress Causing Your High Histamine Levels?

What’s another big issue that may be causing your high histamine levels? Stress! We all have stress in our lives. But it’s our reaction to the stress that determines how our bodies and minds handle that stress. And if we live in a perpetual state of stress without learning how to manage it, that’s what …

Hidden Connection: Diet and Your High Histamine Levels

Is there a hidden connection between what you eat and your high histamine allergic reactions? Histamines are chemicals in your body that help you regulate foods and things you come in contact with like dust, pollen, pet dander, or things you inhale such as fragrances, car fumes, etc. If you are histamine intolerant, you have …

How to Swap Healthy Foods When Over 40

You’re ready to eat some healthier foods but aren’t sure how. Do you know how to swap healthy food for the unhealthier foods? Do you say you want to, but practically aren’t sure how or what exactly that looks like? And if you’re over 40 and used to eating a certain way, how can you …