Showing 32 Result(s)

How to Stress Less During the Holidays Part 1

We are in the holiday season – Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, and then New Year’s is right after that. Is this the most Wonderful Time of the Year for you? Or are you like many people who tell me they’re feeling even more STRESSED! The holidays are filled with both joy and stress for most of …

How to Stress Less During the Holidays Part 3

Are you stressing during the holidays? Many do so if that’s you, you’re not alone. This is part 3. So if you haven’t read part 1 yet, click here. And you can read part 2 by clicking here. In part 2 we talked about the symptoms of stress. But what are the long term effects …

How to Prevent or Reverse Metabolic Syndrome

In my previous post, we discussed Metabolic Syndrome and what the five risk factors or symptoms are to indicate you might have it. Click here to read that post. But many have asked me how do I reverse it or what are some things I can do to prevent getting Metabolic Syndrome? How do I …