Showing 31 Result(s)

What’s Love Got to Do with Health?

In light of Valentine’s Day and the topic of love, do you remembers years ago in 1984 there was a hit song by Tina Turner called What’s Love Got to Do with It? Maybe you’ve heard it. The meaning of the lyrics is sad since in the song the woman was hurt in a relationship …

How to Stress Less During the Holidays Part 1

We are in the holiday season – Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, and then New Year’s is right after that. Is this the most Wonderful Time of the Year for you? Or are you like many people who tell me they’re feeling even more STRESSED! The holidays are filled with both joy and stress for most of …

How to Balance Occupational and Intellectual Wellness for a Healthier You After 40

Do you like your job? Or if you’re retired or not working outside the home, do you like what you’re doing? Do you feel stimulated or challenged in a healthy way at what you do? Since we’ve been talking about all the dimensions in wellness, have you ever thought of how your occupation, volunteering, or …

The Greatest Wealth is Health

You’ve heard of health and wellness and probably are trying to do something to help yours, right? But what really is health and wellness? Are they the same or different? And how do you even work on improving yours? As a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, I am often asked these questions. Wellness …

How to Clean and Organize Your Fridge for Health

We’ve been talking about reducing stress and one way to do that is to clean up your kitchen environment. How can you do that? By cleaning out the fridge and freezer to store only healthy foods for your health and wellness. The easiest way to stick to a healthy nutrition plan is to keep the …

How to Stress Less During the Holidays Part 3

Are you stressing during the holidays? Many do so if that’s you, you’re not alone. This is part 3. So if you haven’t read part 1 yet, click here. And you can read part 2 by clicking here. In part 2 we talked about the symptoms of stress. But what are the long term effects …

Chronic Pain: Are You One of the Many?

Did you know there are 100 million Americans who experience chronic pain – more than those who have diabetes, heart disease, and cancer combined?  And I’m sure you know that pain is your body’s alarm system. So when you feel pain, your body is telling you something is wrong and needs attention. Living with chronic …

Why You Need Exercise Snacking for Physical and Mental Health

Have you ever heard of exercise snacking? I know you know what snacking of food is – eating a small portion of food for energy and to help satisfy the hunger pains until mealtime. But exercise snacking is an interesting concept. And it can be extremely helpful even if you have chronic health issues. And …