Showing 24 Result(s)

Three Simple and Tasty Sugar Substitutes

If you’re trying to bake and eat healthy, can you still use a sweetener? What if you have autoimmune or gut health issues? Yes, you can.   Maybe you’ve heard the blue (Equal), pink (Sweet-n-Low), and yellow (Splenda) packets are not the best for your overall health because they provide no nutrients and may cause …

How to Figure Out What is Triggering Your Skin Rashes, Itching, and Hives

Have you been having any skin issues? Rashes, hives, eczema, bumps, blisters, psoriasis, rosacea, itching, etc.? And maybe you’ve been to your doctor or dermatologist who treated you with topical antibiotic or corticosteroid cream. And maybe that helped …. for a while…. But then it stopped. And your symptoms returned, and you’re not sure what …

How to Swap Healthy Foods When Over 40

What’s the most common question I’m asked as a health and wellness coach regarding eating? It is, “How do I actually eat healthier?” Maybe you’ve asked that, too. You’re ready to eat some healthier foods but aren’t sure exactly how to do it. Maybe you think by the time you’re ____ years old, you should …

Do You Have One or More of the Most Common Food Intolerances?

So you went out to eat on Monday night and felt fine…until Wednesday. Then you noticed a bad headache, bloating, and fatigue. So you wonder what you ate on Wednesday to cause it. But it wasn’t what you ate Wednesday. It was what you ate two days ago. Really? Yes. Food sensitivities are tricky and …

Do you Have Brain Fog, Fatigue, or Low Iron Levels?

I posted a recipe for beef brisket in my Facebook group recently which got me thinking about red meat and how many of us try to avoid protein, and red meat in particular, to lose weight. But that can cause other issues. Do you have any of these? Fatigue or exhaustion (having to take naps …