Practical Strategies for Perimenopause and Menopause

Do you have hot flashes and brain fog? Are you having trouble losing weight around your middle area? Are you 45 or older? Maybe you’re in the time known as perimenopause or menopause and it’s driving you crazy!

Do you think there’s nothing you can do naturally to help? If so, I want to reassure you there are things you can do to help relieve your symptoms. And we are going to talk briefly about that today.

Now back to our topic on menopause symptoms.

So what is menopause and perimenopause?

It’s a normal part of aging for women. During this time the reproductive cycle begins to slow down and prepares to stop. So the ovaries will produce less estrogen and eventually stop releasing eggs into the fallopian tubes. Your menstruation cycle will taper off. And then your reproductive years are complete.

Perimenopause means “around menopause.” It’s basically when your body begins to transition into menopause. Ages fluctuate for both perimenopause and menopause, but usually perimenopause begins in the 40s. You’re considered in menopause when it’s been one year since you’ve had a period.

Some women may go 6 months, 8 months, or longer never having a period, and then have one. So the timing begins again at that period.

What are signs you may experience?

  • Hot flashes
  • Spotty or irregular menstrual cycles
  • Sleep problems
  • Unexplained weight gain, especially in the middle area
  • Mood changes
  • Loss of energy
  • Brain fog or forgetfulness
  • Facial hair
  • Change in cholesterol levels
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Mood issues

And there are more. But that gives you an idea. It’s all due to the hormonal fluctuations which can have a big impact on your life. Progesterone and estrogen decrease. Plus, the ratio between the two may be off which can lead to estrogen dominance, which sounds contradictory but does happen. This is one of the big reasons why women gain weight during menopause.

Now we are all different. Some women experience these symptoms in severe amounts, others may have mild or minimal. And others are somewhere in between. Yours will be unique to you, your current medical conditions, genetics (did your mother and grandmother begin menopause early or have severe symptoms), as well as your lifestyle and behaviors over your lifetime.

And many women report that symptoms affect their relationships, quality of life, work impairment, joint stiffness, weight, body image, and mental and emotional health.

Can you treat menopausal symptoms?

Sometimes these stages in a woman’s life do not require medical treatment like you may be thinking. Instead, a management of symptoms through both medical and natural means is often helpful including hormonal therapy, maybe medications, dietary, and lifestyle habit changes.

There are some things that can trigger worsening of symptoms such as drinking too much caffeine or alcohol, not taking time to relax and rest, and poor sleep.

In addition, there are dietary helps such as eating foods that are nutrient dense and less sugar and processed foods. Eating more vegetables, fruits, and more protein may benefit you. In fact, women in perimenopause and menopause may need up to 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight.

Exercise and movement is important as well including some strength training to prevent muscle loss. That’s another reason why protein is important because protein helps build and repair muscles, cells, organs in your body.

But it’s bio-individual so you need to experiment and see what helps you best.

Plus, be kind to yourself. Remember, this is just a normal period of time in a woman’s life. It happens to every women. Educating yourself on what to expect and what you can do will help you feel empowered and less afraid.

But we are going to dig much deeper to both conventional and natural remedies next week in my FREE Menopause and Perimenopause Masterclass on Monday, October 23 at 1:00 pm CST. So if you’re interested in joining me, you can sign up at this link. And even if you can’t join me live, I’ll send you the replay by the next day.

I hate to see women feel so overwhelmed about these symptoms, not knowing what they can do. I want you to feel empowered and realize there are natural remedies for symptoms during both perimenopause and menopause. You do have control over so many factors. Let’s find out what tools are available so you’ll be ready.

I am a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach and a speech-language pathologist and work primarily with women who have brain fog, fatigue, joint pains, weight issues, autoimmune, hormonal, and digestive issues. I am also an autoimmune warrior, having a thyroid autoimmune disease and IBS. Focusing on nutritional and lifestyle modifications for both myself and clients has been beneficial in decreasing symptoms. I’ve been in the medical field for over 30 years and have been helping clients with holistic wellness for over 17 years. I love helping people take small steps towards better overall health – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. You can schedule a Free 20-minute consult to see how we can work together by clicking here. – Leah Cheshire, MCD, CCC-SLP, NBC-HWC