Showing 57 Result(s)

Three Simple and Tasty Sugar Substitutes

If you’re trying to bake and eat healthy, can you still use a sweetener? What if you have autoimmune or gut health issues? Yes, you can.   Maybe you’ve heard the blue (Equal), pink (Sweet-n-Low), and yellow (Splenda) packets are not the best for your overall health because they provide no nutrients and may cause …

How to Balance Occupational and Intellectual Wellness for a Healthier You After 40

Do you like your job? Or if you’re retired or not working outside the home, do you like what you’re doing? Do you feel stimulated or challenged in a healthy way at what you do? Since we’ve been talking about all the dimensions in wellness, have you ever thought of how your occupation, volunteering, or …

How to Intermittent Fast for Better Gut Health

Have you ever fasted? As a health and wellness coach, I often am asked about intermittent fasting including what is it exactly, is it beneficial to health, how do you do it, what are the cons, and should everyone do it. So let’s dive in to find out. What is Intermittent Fasting? Fasting is when …