Showing 142 Result(s)

Potential Causes of Poor Health in Women Over 40

Are you a woman over 40 and wondering what may be contributing to you not feeling well and your health conditions? Many women over 40 have chronic issues including autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, and rheumatoid arthritis. Or maybe you don’t have a diagnosis. You just know you have symptoms such as …

Do You Need to Cut Your Health Goal in Half So You Can Be Successful?

Is what you’re doing working? Is what you’ve been doing helping or hurting your health and your health goals? If not, you may be doing too much. Yep. Too much – bet you didn’t think I’d say that, right? So if what you’ve been doing daily, weekly, and monthly not working, then maybe you set up too …

How Do You Know If You Have Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis?

What’s one top reason that causes fatigue, hair loss, and weight gain, especially in women? –>Your thyroid. Did you know that 20 million Americans and 200 million people worldwide have a thyroid issue? But up to 60% of them are unaware of their condition!  So what is your thyroid?It’s a small butterfly-shaped gland located in your neck …

5 Strategies to Eat More Attentively for Better Health

Do you ever rush when you’re eating? Or eat while distracted? You know, eating while standing, running out the door, in your car, or while on social media? Ok. I’m guilty as charged. We’ve all done it, right? Well, that’s NOT eating attentively. So eating attentively. What does that even mean? The definition of attentively …

Do You Have One or More of the Most Common Food Intolerances?

So you went out to eat on Monday night and felt fine…until Wednesday. Then you noticed a bad headache, bloating, and fatigue. So you wonder what you ate on Wednesday to cause it. But it wasn’t what you ate Wednesday. It was what you ate two days ago. Really? Yes. Food sensitivities are tricky and …

Simplify Your Life to Improve Your Physical and Mental Health

Do you always feel stressed or anxious rushing from one thing to another? Do you need to simplify your life? And did you know that we can have clutter mentally and emotionally, not just physically?  This month we are talking about how simplification of your life actually is necessary for a healthy life and how …