How to Help Boost Your Immune System – Tip 1 – Sleep

What is the immune system and why is it important?

The immune system helps protect your body from viruses, bacteria, and other foreign invaders. It is made of specialized organs, cells, and tissues. Usually we take it for granted because it’s working just fine, helping us to stay well. But when we are sick, we begin to question what should we do. And in light of the recent news about the Coronavirus and the uncertainty of prevention or treatment, there are some natural easy steps you can take to help build up your immune system. Besides the obvious ones like washing your hands, avoiding touching your nose or eyes, or not being around sick people, I’m going to give you 10 tips over the next 10 days.

So Tip 1 is Sleep.
Lack of sleep can weaken your immune system so bedtime consistency and routines are for everyone, not just kids. Going to bed at the same time each night, weekday or weekend, helps regulate your circadian rhythm (body’s daily cycle) and keeps your immune system in tip-top shape. This past weekend’s daylight savings time change was tough since we lost an hour. But here’s what you can do now.

Some experts say go to bed at least by 10 pm each night. Staying up late to try to squeeze in more things on your to-do list is not helpful for your immune system or productivity the next day. Also, lack of sleep may drive up cortisol levels in some people which can also affect your insulin. This can sometimes lead to weight gain in certain individuals. Plus, it can harm your immune system which can cause you to get sick more frequently. And don’t drink more coffee or eat chocolate to help. Caffeine affects some people more than others. You may be one who cannot drink coffee or eat caffeinated foods past noon. Everyone’s body is different and requires a different amount of sleep. But try being in bed by 10 pm for a week and see how you feel. Listen to your body. When you are tired, rest or go to bed. And you’ll know you’re helping to build up your immune system as well.

If you’d like help in sleep management techniques or other lifestyle factors that affect your health, contact me here for a free 30-minute consult.