Tips for a Gratitude Journal

Gratitude. Thankfulness. Appreciation. Often we only think about being grateful during Thanksgiving. But it’s a good daily practice all throughout the year, not just during the holidays. How can you establish this as a consistent, daily habit? By using a gratitude journal.  What’s that?  Read more.

Three tips for a Gratitude Journal:

  1. Pick a time – am or pm and be consistent and faithful. Either when you wake up or before going to bed. It’s too easy to let it slide if you don’t commit to a time.
  2. Write it down. In a journal, notebook, paper, or electronic device – notes section of phone/tablet, for example. But you need to write it down because writing makes it more authentic and helps you to visualize while you’re thinking. Also, when written down you can go back later and see things you’ve been thankful for (good for times when you’re feeling discouraged).
  3. Commit to doing this for 30 days. (I’m willing to bet that once you do, you’ll continue for the rest of the year.)

It’s easy to find things in life that are wrong, people who upset us, and circumstances that overwhelm us. This can lead to negative thinking and the “Eeyore syndrome” where we only focus and talk about the “bad” things in life. Starting a gratitude journal, though, can help us begin or end the day finding the positive things that have happened either that day or the day prior. This habit gradually helps us see the world in a better way which can help us stress and worry less. And all that helps improve our overall health. 

Need help in finding things to be grateful for? Or do you want more tips about improving your overall health?  Contact me for a free consult.