What are Strategies to Conquer a Cold or Flu?

Are you feeling a little under the weather or do you want to boost your immunity during cold and flu season in order to prevent illness? Here are a few ideas:

*Get adequate sleep: 7-8 hours is usually a good amount for adults; if you aren’t getting adequate rest and sleep, it can affect your immune system.

*Drink pure water: we need water to remain hydrated and flush toxins; often in the winter we aren’t as thirsty and don’t drink enough; a rough estimate is divide your weight in half and drink about half that much in ounces of water daily. (Each person’s body is different and so your amount of water is affected by a variety of factors). Sometimes when sick, water just does not appeal to me (and I usually love it.) So I will add fruit to my water glass or pitcher for an infused water – helps bump up the flavor and nutrients.

*Get vitamins and minerals: nutrient deficiencies can increase your risk of infections; get vitamins and minerals from foods (and supplements if needed). When ill, Vitamins C and D are especially helpful as well as the mineral zinc.

*Eat healthy: vegetables, fruits, and clean proteins which when combined supply vitamins, minerals, amino acids, plus fiber which are necessary for health.

*Turmeric (contains curcumin): this spice has anti-inflammatory properties and can boost your immune system. You can buy turmeric root or powder and make turmeric tea or even golden milk; can use in soups or smoothies, there are turmeric or curcumin supplements as well. Get the ones that have black pepper or Piperine in them for better absorption.

*Spice up your cooking using garlic, onion, ginger, and cinnamon which have natural antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties; add to soups, tea, salads; some people even eat raw garlic!

*Probiotics: improve gut function and boosts immune system; can be found in fermented foods (sauerkraut, kombucha, kimchi) or yogurt (unsweetened, please) as well as supplements; you can buy dairy-free yogurts like Kite Hill (almond milk), So Delicious unsweetened (coconut milk), Forager (cashew milk), or Lavva (from coconut water, plantains, cassava, and pili nuts); also make your own yogurt from dairy-free milks like coconut, almond, or cashew; there are many probiotic supplements as well.

*Sunshine: helps activate key immune cells and also produces vitamin D which promotes healing.

*Wash your hands: Duh! Obvious and your mama probably told you to do this, but washing your hands is one of the best ways to prevent illness. Wash when you come home from being at work, school, or out shopping, etc. And please, clean your phone once a week – it’s one of the germiest things we touch daily!

*Herbal teas: many herbal teas contain antioxidants and vitamins which help fight infections; plus hot drinks feel great on a sore throat or when the temperature drops outside; some great ones to try include elderberry, lemon, peppermint, and ginger, and chamomile.  Yogi teas are a good brand.

*Sugar: You knew it was coming – eliminate or decrease refined sugar. Processed sugar can reduce how white blood cells function which decreases the ability to fight infection. Also, when we eat sugary foods, we often don’t eat enough nutrient-dense foods so our diet consists less of healthy foods and more of sugar and unhealthy carbs.

Hope these tips will help you will remain healthy during cold and flu season. Sometimes it’s the simplest ones that prevent or remedy illness. Stay well!

If you need help in figuring out why you’re still having brain fog, fatigue, pain, trouble losing or keeping weight off, and handling stress (without binging on food), reach out to me. I help clients one-on-one and in group programs by using small steps using nutrition and lifestyle. Many of my clients are like you – over 40, have foggy thinking, no energy, and can’t fit into their clothes. Plus, they are moody and don’t seem to handle stress well. I’ve been helping clients and myself over 15 years and would love to help you. So contact me here for a free discovery call to see how we can work together.