Is Self-Care Being Selfish?

In honor of Self-Care Awareness month, what are you doing for self-care? And is self-care selfish?

Self-Care is taking care of yourself – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Did you know that taking care of yourself is not being selfish? It doesn’t mean that you push your family, friends, job, and responsibilities away completely. It means you take some time each day to do something that will help you remain healthy.

We all know on an airplane at the beginning of a flight, the attendant states, “In the event of a potential disaster, put on your own oxygen mask first before assisting your child or loved one.” This is not to promote narcissism or being self-centered but rather if you can’t breathe, you sure won’t be able to help anyone else!

The same point occurs with self-care. If your body is unhealthy because you’ve ignored it for so long, how can you help anyone else? And if you have any chronic or autoimmune health conditions, you especially need self-care. But there are many inexpensive and simple ways to promote self-care. Here are twelve – one to focus on each month. Which one are you doing today?

  1. Drink pure water.
  2. Eat more veggies.
  3. Get adequate sleep and rest.
  4. Get outside in nature and sunshine.
  5. Movement – be active and exercise.
  6. Spend time with others.
  7. Be grateful.
  8. Don’t eat 2 – 3 hours before bedtime.
  9. Deepen your faith, your spiritual practice.
  10. Mental stimulation – learn something new.
  11. Be generous – help others using time, talents, and finances.
  12. Relax and have fun.

*And if you haven’t been working on your own self-care needs, reach out to me. We can set up a time to talk to see how I can help you set goals to help you be all you were created to be. One simple step at a time will create life-long habits. Sometimes we just need some accountability and guidance.  Click here to contact me.

Leah Cheshire, MCD,CCC-SLP, NBC-HWC, is a national board certified health and wellness coach and a speech-language pathologist who works primarily with women who have fatigue, brain fog, weight issues, digestive issues, and autoimmune problems using small steps through nutritional and lifestyle modifications. She has 3 and 6 month one-on-one coaching programs and group programs. Plus, she is offering a new 60-minute one-time strategy session. Contact her here for a free discovery call.