Healthy Halloween Treats that You Really Want to Eat

So Halloween is almost here. And even if you don’t participate or celebrate, you can’t help but see the explosion of candy and other treats in the stores. If you have children, grandchildren, or you just don’t want to feel left out, what can you eat or offer that’s tasty but also healthy? Read below for details.

For parties or get-togethers:

Chocolate coconut energy balls or nut butter energy balls made with 1/2 cup nut butter, 1/2 t vanilla, 2 T cacao or cocoa powder, 2-3 soaked dates or few drops of stevia, and 3T coconut oil. Roll into balls and put in frig or freezer for few hours. Option: add 1/2 cup of brown rice cereal for extra crunch. Option 2: eliminate cacao powder and add extra vanilla.

Chocolate dipped strawberries or bananas. For chocolate dipping sauce: 1/2 cup coconut oil, 2 T cacoa or cocoa powder (or 2 oz 70% dark chocolate), 2 T honey or pure maple syrup, a pinch of sea salt, and 1/4 t vanilla.

Banana and strawberry ghosts: cut a banana in half, place cut side on plate standing up, Add 2 mini chocolate chips for eyes and 1 big chocolate chip for the mouth. Strawberry: decorate dipped berry with chocolate chips for the face.

Fruit pumpkins: peel an orange or tangerine, place on plate, add a 1 – 2 inch piece of celery in the center as a stem for your “pumpkin.”

Monster fangs: use 2 slices of red apple, spread almond butter on both, assemble as 2 lips for your “mouth,” add pumpkin or sunflower seeds as jagged teeth.

Of course, fruit trays are easy. Siete grain-free tortilla chips are delicious; serve with hummus or guac; also sweet potato and beet chips are yummy.

Strawberry smoothies are colorful and fun when served in tiny paper cups.

To hand out to the kiddos at the door:

  • Small boxes of raisins (higher in natural sugar but better than sugar laden candy), organic gummies (still has sugar but usually not as much as regular candy), organic popcorn, or small packs of nuts
  • Non-edibles such as small toys, glow sticks or bracelets, bouncy balls, mini flashlights, play dough, bubbles, plastic jewelry, stickers

Another option:

Here’s what we did when our kids were little. We let them participate in the candy collection in our neighborhood going door to door or at our church trunk-or-treat or fall fest. When we got home, they could pick out a few pieces of candy to eat. But then we “bought” the rest of the candy from them. They got money to either save or go buy a toy they really wanted. My husband brought the candy to work or else we threw it away. The kids had fun and didn’t feel left out, the candy was out of my house, and so no temptation for them or ME! Win-Win!

**Healthier chocolate: Dark chocolate (70% of higher cocoa/cacao) is better; these are delicious brands: Hu, Alter Eco, Green and Blacks, Enjoy Life, and even the dark Ghirardelli.

Try these ideas to still have some fun with family and friends but also to prevent a sugar-induced crash or intense sugar cravings the next day, mood swings, foggy brain, fatigue, belly issues, and later guilt 🙁

Would you like help in kicking your sugar cravings for good? If so, contact me for a free discovery call.