Instead of New Year’s Resolutions (Which Many Hate), Do This…

We thought 2020 was a crazy year, but 2021 was as well. Although many things have changed in our world, some things have not. We all want to be happy, have a purpose, look and feel our best, and have connections and know we are loved by God and other people.

What I learned in 2021:

I have been able to find many good things from last year such as spending more time with family, trusting God even when I don’t know what’s going to happen, learning how to navigate the empty nest syndrome (it’s been harder than I thought it would), improving my skills as a health coach and finding out things that don’t work, learning to get back on track ASAP when I splurge in my eating (yes, even health coaches do that!), finding ways to decrease my depression, anxiety, and physical pain (personal reasons I “preach” healthy eating and lifestyle), learning more about social media and when I need to detox from social media, and learning how/when to say no and to let some things go, and to enjoy peace.

Instead of New Year’s resolutions, though, which many people hate, here are some questions I asked myself and thought you might like to do this, too. 

Step 1: Set a timer for only 5 – 10 minutes and then jot down on paper or in your notes section of your phone or I-Pad. Don’t make this into such a big deal that you don’t do it. 

Step 2: Answer these 5 questions – just think of 1 – 3 things:

  1. What did I learn in 2021? 
  2. What do I want to keep doing?
  3. What am I ready to let go of?
  4. Where do I see myself in 1 year? in 5 years? (accomplishments, missions, purpose, relationships, health – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual)
  5. If I continue doing what I’m currently thinking or doing, will I be at #4 in a year? In five years?

I hope answering these questions has been helpful. We have a new year to do new things – 2022 is a new beginning. So decide right now you can choose. You can rise up from anything. You’re not stuck. You have the choice for new thoughts and new things for this year. You can learn something new and create new habits. One step at a time. It’s your decision.

I’ve got a simple training beginning January 16 to help you take one small step.  Click here for details and to sign up.

And, if you’d like some one-on-one help so you can be where you want by this time next year, let me know. I’d love to help. Just reply to this email. Make 2022 your best year ever! And if you ever doubt the gift and purpose for YOU, here’s a link to an article I wrote about You being a Masterpiece.