If You Don’t Love Yourself, You’re Hurting Your Health

Rest and self-care are so important. When you take time to replenish your spirit, it allows you to serve from the overflow. You cannot serve from an empty vessel.

Eleanor Brown

Valentine’s Day is when we focus on love for our spouse, significant other, family, and friends. But it’s so over-commercialized that if you don’t have any of those, it’s just a reminder of being lonely, sad, or dejected.

But in order to nurture your life, loving yourself and self-care are necessary and not selfish. If you don’t, your health can be affected.


*Studies have found that when we care about ourselves, we take better care of our physical, mental, and emotional health. 

*When we eat healthier and include movement daily, that often improves our immune function and mood.

*This also stabilizes blood glucose levels which decreases the tendency for metabolic syndrome which helps us lose adipose (fat) which helps us lose some weight. 

*Because we feel a little better physically and mentally, we then want to spend time on more personal development goals including helping others.

But often we forget ourselves. And we feel if we do anything for ourselves, we are selfish and prideful. 

But if you’re not loving yourself at all or spending any time on yourself, then you won’t be able to love others because you don’t feel good enough to do that. Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship in your life.

And you are worthy of loving yourself and caring for yourself. No matter who you are or what you’ve done in life.

God created you and knew who you were before you were born. And because you were made in his image, you are worthy.

So don’t continue replaying what someone told you when you were a child or even as an adult that you don’t matter and aren’t significant. It’s not true. But you have to make the choice to stop believing that and to begin caring for yourself – your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health are dependent on those thoughts. (I do understand because I’ve been there when I felt so down and discouraged, my anxiety and depression increased which made my autoimmune and gut health issues worse which then increased my anxiety and depression even more. It’s a cycle.)

Here are 3 self-care steps to love yourself:

  • Sometimes we need outside help. Talk to someone else – maybe a friend, loved one, or you may need a professional counselor. If you don’t know who to talk to, reach out to me. I have some referral sources for you. I’ve had to go to counseling several times in my life which helped tremendously. You go to the doctor when sick, right? You even go to a hairdresser for a haircut, right? Then reach out for counseling if you need it.
  • Find 3 things you’re grateful for each day in the morning and when you lie down at night. This helps your mental outlook which increases your ability to relax and calm down which promotes better eating, digestion, and sleeping.
  • Do something for yourself each day this week that lifts your spirits. Could be a cup of tea – maybe sit outside and read for 5 – 10 min. If it’s too cold, find a warm spot in your house. Set a timer and read.  Or maybe eat one piece of dark chocolate (70% or higher) – just an ounce or two. Walk around the block. None of these cost a lot of money or take much time.

So show yourself some love this month by nurturing your life. You give to others so don’t forget yourself. Which one of these 3 steps are you going to do this week? 

If you are ready to love yourself by taking care of your health, reach out to me. As a health and wellness coach, I help women who have fatigue, brain fog, bloating, weight, and mood issues through nutrition and lifestyle adjustments. Click here to set up a 20 minute free phone consult to see if we’d be a good fit to work together.