How to Prevent or Reverse Metabolic Syndrome

In my previous post, we discussed Metabolic Syndrome and what the five risk factors or symptoms are to indicate you might have it. Click here to read that post. But many have asked me how do I reverse it or what are some things I can do to prevent getting Metabolic Syndrome?

How do I prevent or reverse metabolic syndrome?

First, get your labs run by your medical practitioner so you have a baseline of where you are beginning. Depending upon your levels, you may or may not need medication. And like I said last week, no shame about being on medicine, especially at first. You want to feel better, right? I’ve never been shy about telling you that I’ve been taking thyroid medication. Now I’ve been able to decrease my thyroid antibodies (which were dangerously high years ago) and improve my numbers and symptoms through nutrition and lifestyle factors, but I also needed the medication.

And here’s the really good news about you if you have Metabolic Syndrome or even just one of the risk factors. You do have control over lifestyle factors. These are things you can do, starting today!

Physical inactivity and excess weight are contributors to Metabolic Syndrome so eating healthy, exercising, and losing weight are keys.

So begin a gentle movement or exercise program if you haven’t been doing anything. The goal for the healthy average adult is 30 minutes 5 times a week and twice a week strength training. But if you haven’t been doing anything at all, are injured, have health conditions like autoimmune or digestive issues, are overweight or obese, or have pain, talk to your doctor and start slowly. Just walk one or two days for 5-10 minutes around your neighborhood. No cost except a pair of sneakers, right? And the weather is perfect now with cooler temps.

Eating foods that are nutrient dense is important. Things less processed and refined, less sugar. You want to focus on protein, healthy complex carbs (in veggies and fruits and whole grains), small amounts of healthy fats (avocados, olive oil, even real butter if you tolerate dairy), and fiber. Think real foods the way God created them. Isn’t it funny that eating real foods is called a diet. But really that’s the way we should be eating all the time with occasionally enjoying a treat for a special event, vacation, birthday, or holiday. The norm should be the healthy, nutrient dense food. When we eat more nutrient dense foods, our body gets the right fuel and energy to run optimally.

Think about it this way. If you have a car and the manufacturer says you need to buy unleaded premium gas, but you just buy regular unleaded, what happens. Well, the car will still run, right? It isn’t going to stop working… right now. But eventually, the engine may slowly not work as well. You may hear knocking or sounds at first and then it may be damaged permanently. But it takes a while to see the damage.

And that’s what can happen in our bodies. When we eat poorly, our body doesn’t stop working immediately. But eventually over the years if we continue eating unhealthy foods all the time, what happens?

We start noticing things like:

  • Maybe you don’t have as much energy as you used to
  • Your brain feels foggy
  • You don’t seem to focus as well as you used to
  • Maybe you have stomach or digestive issues
  • Premature aging of your skin
  • Joint pains
  • Moody and irritable
  • Weight is creeping up
  • Belly weight (or the “pot belly”)

These symptoms are warning signs that you need to do something different. Just like the warning signals your car gives you. Now you probably won’t do that to your car, right? So why are you doing that to your body? It is the only body the good Lord has given you.

And I know in the past many of my clients tell me, Leah, I know I need to eat better and exercise more, but I just don’t have the time or don’t know what to do.

I get it. Anything new can be tough, but only at first. Because it’s new. But once you start making a change, that new action step becomes easier and eventually a habit. And I know if you are reading this, you are quite capable of learning new things. One step at a time.

You pick one small step to take. And you prioritize doing that. We all know when we really care about something, we will make the time for it.

And here is one small step you can take.

I’m offering a FREE 5-day Sugar Detox Challenge — October 15 through October 19. So before the holidays begin, let’s get your sugar cravings under control. It doesn’t mean you can’t ever eat sugar or anything sweet again. No. That’s totally unrealistic. I don’t do that either.

But I do know that learning what sugars are hiding in your foods, where they’re hiding, and how sneaky the food manufacturers are will give you the power and knowledge to make healthier choices. It’s okay if you decide to eat something sweet. But that’s the key – you are making the choice. Not a manufacturer who sneaks it in and you aren’t even aware.

So join me and others in my free challenge. You’ll learn how to decrease the amounts of sugar and you won’t even notice it. Plus, you’ll be learning how to decrease your risk of high blood sugar levels which research has linked to pre-diabetes, obesity, and diabetes type 2. Not to mention helping decrease that belly bloat, belly fat, and weight.

Check out the details in the link below. Remember it’s free.

Leah Cheshire is a national board certified health and wellness coach and a speech-language pathologist who works primarily with women who have brain fog, fatigue, joint pains, weight issues, autoimmune, hormonal, and digestive issues. She’s also an autoimmune warrior herself, having a thyroid autoimmune disease and IBS, and focuses on using nutritional and lifestyle modifications for both herself and clients. She’s been in the medical field for over 30 years and helping clients with holistic wellness for over 17 years. She loves helping people take small steps towards better overall health — physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. You can set up a free 20-minute strategy consult with her by clicking here.