Do You Have a Word or Phrase for the Year?

It’s simply a word you choose as a theme for the year. I’ve done this for the past few years and really love it. Last year I picked two words – Trust and Confidence. And boy, did we have a year that needed trust because so much that happened was out of our control! I also pushed myself out of my comfort zone and became more confident in various things such as learning more about the techy side of my business with my email service to my clients, posting more on my website and social media, and doing Facebook Live. But we don’t grow if we don’t have aspirations, right?

I usually start thinking and praying at the end of the year what my word for the next year should be. You can also look on Pinterest or just google “Word of the Year.” It never fails that the word or words I’ve chosen I find all throughout the year in all aspects of my life. My two words for 2021 are Joy and Nourishment. I want to find Joy this year no matter what’s happening around me.  And nourishment also just jumped out because as a health and wellness coach, I’m trying to help others figure out ways to nourish not only their bodies in healthy ways but also their minds through nutrition and healthy lifestyle factors. Nourishment to me refers to all aspects of our lives – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

Whether you want a Word of the Year or not, just think about one area you want to grow in 2021. If you could zoom ahead to 2022, what’s one thing you want to say you accomplished? Just one can make a difference!

If you’d like some help in planning your goals and in implementing them using tiny steps, I’d love to assist. Having someone else on your side, holding you accountable, and providing support can be beneficial. Contact me here to set up a free 20 – minute discovery call to see how I can help you.