How Do Toxic Thoughts Negatively Affect Your Physical Health?

We’ve been talking this month about mental health since May is Mental Health Awareness month. I’ve focused on food being one factor. But today we are going to talk about something else — our thought patterns and how we think.

Do you have stinkin’ thinkin’?

Have you heard that phrase before? Basically are you a glass is half-empty type of person or a glass is half -full? Do you focus more on the negative than the positive?

Did you know that scientific research is showing that our thought patterns actually do influence our physical health? Not just our emotional and mental health.

So what do our thought patterns have to do with our physical health?

You may have a lot of physical health issues, maybe mood and mental issues, maybe spiritual and faith concerns, financial problems, job issues, or maybe family relationship concerns.

And you may think, “Shouldn’t I have a “right” to emotionally or mentally or spiritually feeling down or discouraged if I’m having a lot of health issues?”

I get it. That last question is a big one I have to ask myself. I don’t often share with you all that I really do get discouraged sometimes due to my own physical health issues.

I have been diagnosed with an autoimmune condition called Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, IBS, and SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) which may have caused my symptoms or the symptoms may be due to them – it’s like the chicken and the egg dilemma.

Sometimes my IBS symptoms don’t bother me, but other times it makes it hard to eat certain foods, go out to eat, go on vacation like we just did, over to a friend’s house for dinner without feeling rude that I can’t eat what they’ve prepared. And quite honestly, I get tired of being thought of as the “high maintenance” person while going out to eat or going over to a friend’s or a relative’s house. Or sitting at a restaurant eating a simple chicken and veggie dish while my family eats pizza or mouthwatering desserts. Do you know how much I want to just eat whatever?

And I have at times. But then I feel terrible for several days or a week later with digestive issues, fatigue, mood issues, and terrible joint pains.

So I have to just grin and bear it sometimes, allow myself to have a short pity party (yes, I did that while on vacation), and either eat before I go out to eat, bring something I know I can eat, or sometimes I’ve even said I’m not really hungry when I was and then when I got home famished, ate something at my house. Yes, I did that while on vacation.

And those are just some of the reasons why I began my business and wanted to coach others so you’d know you’re not alone. My physical issues also cause some of my mental and emotional issues which also can lead to spiritual issues as well. Have you ever been there?

So all that to say – I really do understand. Before we were going kayaking and on some of the hikes, I was afraid. My back frequently hurts and I don’t really like heights. But I’ve been praying, have many great prayer warriors, wore my back brace faithfully, and thank the Lord I was able to go and do the things we planned.

But I do know this – toxic thoughts impact our health as much as toxic food does. Finding ways to bring joy and eliminate negativity are tools in our tool chest to calm down the flares which helps decrease our symptoms as much as watching what we eat and getting movement in our day.

Our mindset and fixed thought patterns may have developed through no fault of our own – due to the environment we were raised in and some of the circumstances thrown our way. But there does come a time when we have to say, “I’m tired of being a victim and have to do what I can do.”

No, you may not have had a choice in what your parents did or didn’t do to you while you were a child. But you do have a choice today. Right now. Get counseling if you need it, but don’t stay stuck where you are.

Do you know about the fixed and growth mindset? I cover this in my Mindset Makeover challenge which I’m going to be offering again this summer. But briefly, someone with a fixed mindset says I’m the way I am and can’t change. It’s too late. I’m ___ years old, I can’t learn anything new. I can’t see any opportunities in these circumstances. I was dealt a raw deal in life. I’ll never change or improve. And those people stay stuck where they are.

But someone with a growth mindset says maybe I did have bad circumstances earlier in life that affected my health or thoughts, but I’m going to learn how to get out of my thought patterns. Even though I have health issues, I’m going to research and invest in my health – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. I’m going to see my mistakes as opportunities to grow. I know I have potential. I do have a choice right now. I’m going to begin again.

What Happens Physiologically with Toxic Thoughts?

Well, when we are negative, our cortisol levels rise. What happens when our cortisol levels rise?

We have higher glucose in our bodies; that is your blood sugar level. We don’t sleep well, our anxiety levels increase so our heart rate increases, our blood pressure rises, and our breathing rate increases. You basically are running your body in a full sympathetic nervous system state which causes you to be in fight-flight-or freeze mode all the time.

As you can see, you’re more likely to have heart problems in life, metabolic issues like pre-diabetes and diabetes, obesity, digestives issues like IBS, leaky gut and toxic gut, and hormonal imbalances. And all this can lead to autoimmune issues and chronic diseases later in life if you continue on this path.

Now I am not saying just put on a happy face and all your ailments are going to decrease. No. I’m not that insensitive. But I do know that calming your body and mind with more joy, peace, gratitude, and optimism will help your body get into the parasympathetic nervous system, which is the state of rest and digest. This is where our body and mind is calm and restful, where blood pressure and heart rate are optimal, and where proper digestion can occur. When this happens, then we are able to absorb the nutrients from our food which helps decrease inflammation which helps with our disease processes and symptoms.

Do you see how that all works together?

It’s an amazing system God created. But we have to do our part.

And telling ourselves over and over throughout the day that we can never get better, we can never achieve a different result, we cannot learn anything new, or that eating new foods or trying new lifestyle techniques is impossible, or life isn’t fair is not going to help ourselves, is it?

What are Two Things You Can Do Today to Change Your Thinking?

  1. Slow down your breathing using the 5-5-5 breath technique. Simply breathe in slowly for a count of 5, hold for a count of 5, exhale slowly for a count of 5. Do this 5 times for one cycle. Try to do three cycles a day. You can do it before getting out of bed in the morning and when lying down at night. Or in the car at a red light. And do it before eating so you can actually digest your food better. This will help prevent more symptoms.
  2. Find one positive phrase or Bible verse to write out. Post on your bathroom mirror using a post-it note. Or my personal favorite is to add to your calendar in your phone as an appointment. It pops up daily – maybe in the morning or at noon. This will remind you of something helpful to focus on. I have several set up to pop up as appointments throughout the day.

Here are some of my favorites:

Phil. 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Romans 8:1 “There is therefore now no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus.”

“Today is going to be an amazing day”

“I choose to live a joyful life today.”

“I choose to eat healthy foods today.”

Remember, toxic thoughts don’t have to continue forever. You do have the power to stop them. You just have to take one step today to do so. As Brian Tracy says, “Change your thinking, change your life.” And King Solomon said in Proverbs 23:7, “As a man thinketh, so is he.” So what are you going to do today to change your thinking?

I am a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach and help Christian women over 40 who have digestive issues (like bloating, constipation, diarrhea, acid reflux), fatigue, brain fog, weight issues, and thyroid and autoimmune conditions. As a team, you and I work together as we focus on nutrition and lifestyle factors to help you decrease your symptoms, have more energy, think clearer, and fit into those favorite jeans again. You can do this! You just might need help from someone who’s been there herself and successfully worked with clients – helping guide, support, and encourage you each step of the way. Contact me here to set up a free strategy session to see how we can work together. — Leah Cheshire, NBC-HWC