Create a Schedule – Help Reduce Stress and Improve Productivity

Are you feeling a little lost (or a lot)? Having trouble getting anything done because your mind just can’t focus on one thing for very long? Do you feel even though you’re home, you’re not getting anything accomplished?  If so, your answer might be in an easy tip …make a schedule. 

It can be a simple one on a sheet of paper that you just check off each day. Or you can put it on your computer and color-code it if that helps you. Or just put in on your calendar in your phone. Or type it into the Notes app or another app. But whatever you choose, make one.

Here are some details that may be beneficial:

*Make a schedule the night before right after dinner (or when you’re about to end your work day). Or make it first thing in the morning. But be consistent.

*You can prioritize which items need to get done first by putting an asterisk next to those if you want. Some people even number them according to importance.

*Right now with everyone quarantined and possibly all at home during the day, I’d even suggest a schedule for each person in the family.

*How to make a schedule for kids?

Write it down if they can read. If not, use pictures (either from the internet or draw them or if you have old magazines, use those). We did this for my kiddos when they were young, and they liked being able to check off when they finished something.

What to include? 

*Wake up time (Sure, you can sleep in some, but you need a consistent time so you don’t sleep all day and then cannot fall asleep at night)

*Morning happy time – optional but this helps me – journal, Bible, gratitude, affirmations, reading my long-term and short-term goals

*Getting dressed (whether that’s only showering and dressing or if it makes you feel better, makeup and hair)

*Meals (and snack time for kids) – jot down what you’re planning on having for dinner that night

*3 Things you want to accomplish for that day; if working from home, write those tasks. If not, include home projects, reading a book – specify amount of time such as 30 min – 1 hour, learning a hobby or a subject you’re interested in – specify amount of time, even calling a friend or doing a video chat, finding recipes you want to try, etc.

*Chores – be specific in what you want to get done; don’t just say clean the house; pick one a day such as dust the living room or clean 4 windows inside and outside or clean out one of kitchen drawers (and include your kiddos as well)

*Exercise (be specific in what you’re doing, what time such as morning orr early evening), and how long you’re doing it (do this for kids as well)

*Dinner including prep and clean up – let the whole family help out

*Fun time – something that you can look forward to each day (with family and/or by yourself) such as watching a movie or a concert, sitting in the backyard, gardening, drinking tea, hobby, reading, games, music, etc. (For kids – list out specific options  like puzzles, Legos, chalk drawing)

*Bedtime – try to set up a time for you to go to bed at night (as well as your kids) – don’t just stay awake all hours because you’ll feel awful in the morning; plus one of the biggest factors in building a  healthy immune system is getting adequate sleep.

*Have a routine such as taking a warm bath or shower, reading a book, one hour before bed – don’t watch the news or look at your digital devices (you’ll be able to fall asleep easier if you’re not focused on intense information), pray, read a Bible verse, journal about your day. You don’t have to do all these – just suggestions.

I hope those ideas will help encourage you to make a schedule for tomorrow and give you several suggestions to help you feel more productive, help improve your mental and emotional health which helps decrease stress. Plus, more people actually accomplish things when they’re written down.