What is Collagen? Helpful for Digestion, Hair, Nails, Joints, Skin, and Brain?

What is collagen? Benefits? Do we need to supplement?

Have you been hearing a lot about collagen lately and wondering what collagen actually is and how it helps your body? I’ve had several people ask me about it recently so thought I’d address it.

Collagen is a protein in our body that helps provide structure and support to our digestive system, skin, hair, nails, joints, muscles, and blood vessels. There are approximately 20-30 different types of collagen based on their chemical makeup and what function they serve in the body.

Why is collagen important?

Similar to glue that helps hold 2 pieces of paper together, collagen does that with our body. It supports the connective tissue, reduces inflammation and joint pain, helps with nutrient absorption, may help “seal up” gut lining and improve sleep quality, and strengthens hair, skin, nails, and teeth. In addition, collagen is composed of glycine, which is an amino acid essential for brain health. Some scientists believe it may help with cognitive performance.

What causes a decrease in collagen?

As we age, our natural collagen production diminishes. Eating a poor diet, smoking, and chronic disease can lead to a decrease in collagen production.

If we don’t have enough collagen, what can happen?

Premature aging can occur – think wrinkles, crepe-like skin, dryness, joint and muscle pain, hair loss, and leaky gut (thinning of lining in digestive tract).

So what foods naturally have collagen?

Foods like meat, fish, bone broth, and egg whites have collagen. Think protein. Plus the following foods can help boost our natural production of collagen: citrus fruits, berries, peppers, garlic, leafy greens, beans, tomatoes, and cashews.

What foods can harm collagen production?

Refined and processed foods as well as sugar can cause inflammation and a decrease in collagen production.

Should you take supplemental collagen?

The jury is out on this question, but many people report improved benefits from taking collagen such as collagen peptides, collagen protein powders, collagen drinks, homemade or purchased organic bone broth, organic gelatin, or collagen capsules. If you decide to supplement, be sure to use an organic, high-quality brand with no allergenic ingredients or fillers. However, the best way to be sure your body has enough collagen is by eating a healthy, nutrient-dense, varied diet with proteins, vegetables, fruits, and nuts/seeds.

You can add supplemental collagen water or powders to all kinds of recipes. Some brands are unflavored so adding to smoothies, popsicles, and soups will not alter the flavor. Click here for a cool collagen popsicle recipe!