Water for Better Health

What do you drink first thing in the morning? Coffee, Coke, Diet Coke, Orange Juice? Oh, I hope not! I really hope not. I hope you reach for a glass of pure filtered water first thing. Why? Because while you’ve been sleeping, your body has been digesting and rejuvenating and using up a lot of water so you need to hydrate in the morning. First thing.

Your body is composed of about 60% water so you have to replenish it throughout the day. If you don’t do anything else for better health, please drink water first thing in the am. And drink enough water throughout the day. Some people say they’re not thirsty. But by the time you actually feel thirsty, you’re probably dehydrated.

How much water should you drink during the day? Here’s an easy way some experts suggest. Divide your weight by 2. That’s about how many ounces of water you should drink. Of course, other things affect this amount such as your age, gender, season (is it hot and summer or cold and winter?), activity level, medical conditions, etc. Another sign is to look at your urine. If the color is clear or light yellow, you’re probably drinking enough water. However, if the color is a bright yellow, it’s concentrated and you probably haven’t been drinking enough water. (Always check with your own medical practitioner first.)

To really kick it up a notch, pour about 1/2-1 teaspoon of fresh lemon juice or a little apple cider vinegar (1/4-1/2 teaspoon) in your water first thing in the morning. This can help some people to detox and to keep your digestive system running smoothly. (For those who tell me they can’t stand ACV, start small—just about 1/8-1/4 teaspoon for a week or so and gradually work up to 1 teaspoon.)

Infuse your water. You can also add lemon slices, strawberries, blueberries, mint, cucumbers, or even orange slices to your water for more flavor. Use whatever herbs and fruits/veggies you like. You can add these to a pitcher of water and store in your fridge to drink throughout the day. Or in your big thermos that you bring with you to work.

You can also leave a thermos of water on your bathroom sink or on your desk and on your kitchen counter. As you go about your day, whenever you see a thermos, simply drink a few sips of water. This is an easy way to incorporate drinking more water into your daily life as a habit.

Can you have that cup of coffee in the morning? Sure, but after you drink a glass of water first! Drinking your water is a simple step towards your overall health.

Would you like help in achieving your overall health goals so you have more energy, feel better, and have a plan to do so? If so, contact me here for a free 20 minute consult on how we can work together. I help women over 40 use nutrition and lifestyle modifications to help increase energy, think clearer, decrease autoimmune and digestive issues, and fit into their clothes better! I’d love to help you, too. — Leah Cheshire, NBC-HWC