How Do You Know If You Have Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis?

What’s one top reason that causes fatigue, hair loss, and weight gain, especially in women?
–>Your thyroid.

Did you know that 20 million Americans and 200 million people worldwide have a thyroid issue? But up to 60% of them are unaware of their condition! 
So what is your thyroid?
It’s a small butterfly-shaped gland located in your neck that’s part of your endocrine or hormonal system. It’s main role is metabolism which affects every cell and function in your body.

If you produce too little thyroid hormone, you’re hypothyroid and if you produce too much, you’re hyperthyroid. Both cause problems. 

If it isn’t functioning optimally what happens?
Weight gain
Feeling cold
Muscle and joint pain
Hair, skin, and nail changes
Foggy thinking
Digestive issues

The number one cause of hypothyroidism is Hashimoto’s Disease which is an autoimmune disease in which your body mistakenly attacks your thyroid tissue.

Why does it happen?

Scientists don’t really know the exact cause but suspected factors include genetics, environmental (infection, stress, radiation exposure), diet, having other autoimmune diseases, pregnancy, and too much iodine.

Complications that may occur if you have Hashimoto’s:


Cardiovascular conditions

Mental health issues

Reproductive issues – infertility and miscarriage risk increases

Bone loss – osteoporosis

High Blood Pressure

Myxedema (rare)

What can you do to help?

First, go see your medical practitioner to get lab testing – any not just your TSH, you need a complete thyroid panel. You may need medication and your doctor will need to run lab tests periodically because the medication dosage may need to be increased or decreased (based on your symptoms as well as lab results).

Second, look at things you do have control over such as diet – yes what you eat can help or hurt by causing more inflammation which triggers symptoms. You may have sensitivities to certain foods like gluten or dairy or nuts. Eating processed sugary foods increases symptoms. Plus, nutritional deficiencies can lead to it after years of eating too many unhealthy foods.

Third, look at how much quality sleep you get each night and how much stress you have and how it affects you.

There are other factors as well, but those are the top three you can look at now.

Plus, I’ve got a FREE guide called Hashimoto’s Symptoms and Action Steps you can do to help you figure out what’s going on, how to talk to your medical practitioner, what labs to ask for, and things you have control over and things you can do, starting today. If you’d like that free guide, click here.

Leah Cheshire is a national board certified health and wellness coach and a speech-language pathologist who works with women over 40 who have fatigue, brain fog, weight issues, digestive issues, and autoimmune problems. She will work with you and your medical practitioner so you can have the best team approach for you and your health. Contact her here for a FREE 20-minute discovery call to see if working together would be a good fit.