How to Handle Holiday Exhaustion and Stress

Did December creep up on anyone besides me? Are you feeling the stress, fatigue, and overwhelming thoughts that you will never get everything on your to-do list done?

Or maybe you’re feeling down and discouraged due to the actual holidays and the memories brought up during this time.

Or maybe you didn’t accomplish those health goals you set at the beginning of the year. You know, the ones to help you feel better, decrease brain fog, fatigue, pain, and fit into your clothes better or even figure out the reasons why you can’t lose that middle or are losing your hair?

If that’s you, you’re not alone. I understand.

Certain situations or seasons in life whether due to happy events (like holidays, weddings, graduations) or sad events (like a health crisis, death, wayward child) can often cause us to feel exhaustion, depression, and a desire to just crawl into bed for a long sleep.

Although life is like that – full of ups and downs – there are practical things we can do to help us handle these times. Click here to read more for functional tips to make this holiday a little easier to handle.

I am a national board certified health and wellness coach and help women over 40 who have fatigue, brain fog, bloating, weight issues, as well as hormonal issues including thyroid and autoimmune problems. We focus on nutrition and lifestyle factors to help you have more energy, think clearer, and fit into those favorite jeans again. You can do this! You just might need some help from someone who’s been there herself and worked with clients – helping guide, support, and encourage you each step of the way. Contact me here to set up a free strategy session to see how we can work together. — Leah Cheshire, NBC-HWC