Showing 5 Result(s)

Want a Simple Health Goal for 2025 That Will Affect Every Area of Your Life?

Do you begin the new year usually full of resolutions or goals or plans? And then wonder why in a month or so you weren’t able to keep them all? What happened? If that’s you, let me suggest one simple step you can do this year that will actually impact every area of your life …

How to Balance Occupational and Intellectual Wellness for a Healthier You After 40

Do you like your job? Or if you’re retired or not working outside the home, do you like what you’re doing? Do you feel stimulated or challenged in a healthy way at what you do? Since we’ve been talking about all the dimensions in wellness, have you ever thought of how your occupation, volunteering, or …

How to Change Your Thoughts to Improve Your Health

The invisible battle you wage against your human nature will be won or lost in your mind. You’re writing your own life story with each subtle thought you think. — Tommy Newberry Did you know that 90% of your thoughts are reruns from yesterday and the day before? How do you think about yourself or …