Do You See the Masterpiece Inside You?

“Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it.” — Michelangelo

When we homeschooled, we studied some of the great master artists and composers including Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Handel, and Bach. I like the quote above because it causes me to think about the innovator Michelangelo actually taking an old piece of marble, looking at it, thinking about it, and then beginning to delicately chisel a beautiful statue such as the Pietà or David. Historical information claims that he created the statue David from a piece of marble that had been twice discarded by other sculptors. One gave up on the project and the marble was left alone for ten years. The second artist attempted to work with the marble but found a crack in it and decided it was too difficult to work with. By the time Michelangelo began using it, the marble had been sitting for forty years. It just needed the right person who was willing to dedicate the hard work and energy to look inside and create a masterpiece!

Why am I discussing art in a health and wellness blog? I think the metaphor is that If you think about it, we are all like that discarded piece of marble. Some of us have been through times of hardships and challenges, and often people (family, teachers, friends, bosses, etc.) give up on us.  But we all have a beautiful statue inside of us. We were created by God and are made in His image. But we just have to discover it!  

Sometimes that means looking at our current life and health to determine if we are doing what we love, if we feel we are serving our purpose, if we are who we want to be, if our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health is the best it can be, if our relationships are what we want them to be, if we have joy, and if our finances are stable.

But we all have that hidden masterpiece inside. We just have to take the time and initiative to realize we are worth discovering it. Yes, we may need to make some changes. Yes, it may take hard work. When Michelangelo created beautiful sculptures, he had to chisel off the parts that didn’t work — one day at a time. And we can do that, too, in our own lives.

If you’d like some help in finding that masterpiece inside of you, contact me here. I have a great tool we can use that helps identify various areas in your life for your health, which of those areas you currently feel fulfilled in, and which areas you may need to work on. Then we can make a plan and work on action steps to help you be all you were created to be. Each of us is a masterpiece, but we sometimes need a little help from others in order to find it. Let me help you be who God created you to be. Click here to set up a free 20 minute consult.

Leah Cheshire is a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach as well as a speech-language pathologist. After having numerous health issues herself, she embarked on a wellness journey using various nutrition and lifestyle modifications. She then decided to return to school to help others. Leah now works primarily with women who have weight issues, digestive and autoimmune conditions, brain fog, and fatigue by providing guidance and accountability to help them decrease symptoms and improve their overall health. If you need help from someone who, not only has helped clients but who also has also been in your shoes, reach out today. You don’t have to do this alone. Click here to set up a free 20 minute consult to see how working together with her can help you.