Are Your Toxic Thoughts Hurting Your Health?

Did you know that scientific research is showing that our thought patterns actually do influence our physical health? Not just our emotional and mental health.

So do you have stinkin’ thinkin’?

Have you heard that term before? Basically are you a glass is half empty type of person or a glass is half full? More negative than positive?

So what do our thought patterns have to do with our physical health? We’ve been talking about causes of health issues, and you may be thinking there’s no way my thought patterns are contributing. That’s just crazy. Well, hear me out before you quit reading.

You may be thinking, Leah, you don’t know what all is going on in my life? I have a lot of physical health issues, maybe mood and mental issues, maybe spiritual and faith concerns, financial, family relationship issues, etc.

And you might think this: Shouldn’t I have a “right” to feel emotionally or mentally or spiritually down or discouraged if I’m having a lot of health issues?

I get it. That last question is a big one I have to ask myself. I don’t often share with you that I really do get discouraged sometimes due to my own physical health issues and family issues.

I have autoimmune and digestive flares and symptoms. Sometimes they are calm and sometimes worse. But if you don’t know, I have Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, IBS, EBV, and SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth). Neither my doctors nor I know which came first – it’s the chicken and the egg dilemma.

Because I have the IBS symptoms (sometimes they don’t bother me but other times they do), it’s difficult to eat certain foods, hard to go out to eat or over to a friend’s house for dinner without feeling rude that I can’t eat what they’ve prepared. And quite honestly, I get tired of being thought of as the “high maintenance” person while out to eat or going over to someone’s house. Do you know how much I want to just eat whatever?

And I have at times. But then I feel terrible for several days or a week later with severe bloating and digestive issues, fatigue, mood issues, and terrible joint pains.

So I have to either eat before I go, bring something I know I can eat, or sometimes I’ve even said I’m not really hungry when I was and then when I got home, ate something at my house. My physical issues also cause some of my mental and emotional issues which also can lead to spiritual issues as well. Have you ever been there?

I’m sharing this because these are just some of the reasons why I began my biz and FB community – so you’d know you’re not alone.

So all this is to say – I really do understand. It’s not just clients I see go through this. It’s my personal story as well.

But I do know this – toxic thoughts impact our health as much as toxic food does (maybe even more), and finding ways to bring joy and eliminate negativity are tools in our tool chest to calm down the flares and help decrease our symptoms as much as watching what we eat and getting movement in our day.

Our mindset and fixed thought patterns may have developed through no fault of our own – due to the environment we were raised in and some of the circumstances thrown our way. But there does come a time when we have to say, I’m tired of being a victim and have to do what I can do.

No, you may not have had a choice in what your parents or a loved one did or didn’t do to you while you were a child. But you do have a choice today. Right now.

Do you know about the fixed and growth mindset? I cover this in my Mindset Makeover challenge which I’m going to be offering this summer. But briefly, a person with a fixed mindset is someone who says I’m the way I am and can’t change. It’s too late. I’m ___ years old. I can’t learn anything new. I can’t see any opportunities in these circumstances. I was dealt a raw deal in life. So what happens to those people? They stay stuck where they are.

But someone with a growth mindset says maybe I did have bad circumstances earlier in life, but I’m going to learn how to get out of this pit. Even though I have health issues, I’m going to research and invest in my health – physical, mental, and spiritual – and learn what to do. I’m going to see my mistakes or challenges as opportunities to grow. I know I have potential. I do have a choice right now. I’m going to begin again.

Now how does all that affect our health?

Well, when we are negative, our cortisol levels rise. What happens when our cortisol levels rise?

We have higher glucose in our bodies, we don’t sleep well, our anxiety levels increase so our heart rate increases and our blood pressure increases. You basically are running your body in full sympathetic nervous system which causes you to be in fight-flight-or freeze mode all the time. As you can see, you’re more likely to have heart problems in life, metabolic issues like pre-diabetes, diabetes, and obesity, digestives issues like IBS, leaky gut, and toxic gut (which we talked previously but you can click here to check that out), and hormonal imbalances. And all this can lead to poor immune functioning, degenerative brain diseases, autoimmune issues, and other chronic health diseases later in life if continued for years.

Now, please hear me out. I am not saying just put on a happy face and all your ailments are going to disappear. No, I’m not that insensitive. Remember, I’m living this same walk and journey as you are.

But I do know that calming your body and mind with more positivity and joy will help your body move into the parasympathetic nervous system which is the state of rest and digest. This is where our body and mind is calm, peaceful, and proper digestion can occur. This helps your body absorb the nutrients from the foods you’ve eaten which helps increase nourishment and decrease inflammation which helps limit the progression of symptoms and disease processes.

Do you see how that all works together?

Our body is an amazing system God created. But we have to do our part.

And telling ourselves over and over throughout the day that we can never get better, we can never achieve a different result, we can’t learn anything new, we can’t learn to eat new foods, or that trying new lifestyle and behavioral techniques is impossible is not going to help ourselves, is it?

So what can you do? Here are two simple techniques you can do today.

  1. Breathe – Use the 5-5-5 breath technique. Simply inhale slowly for a count of 5, hold for a count of 5, and exhale slowly for a count of 5. Do it 5 times for one round. Try to do it three times a day. And if you do it before eating, you can actually slow down and digest your food better.
  2. Find one positive phrase or Bible verse to write out and post on your bathroom mirror and add to your calendar to pop up each day – maybe in the morning or at noon. This will be an encouraging reminder to yourself and something helpful to focus on. If you don’t know where to begin, I’ve listed some of my favorites below.

Phil. 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Romans 8:1 “There is therefore now no condemnation for those of us in Christ Jesus.”

“Today is going to be an amazing day.”

“I choose to live a joyful life today.”

Choose just one to do for a week and see how you feel. But if your thoughts are very dark and you feel you need additional help, seek out a professional counselor. I have used counselors over the years during hard seasons. There is nothing to be ashamed of because they are trained to help.

I hope this was helpful and practical. Remember, your toxic thoughts don’t have to continue forever. We do have the power to stop them. We just have to take one small step each day to do so.

After having my own health crises including Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, IBS, SIBO, three miscarriages, and the symptoms of extreme fatigue, joint pains, hair loss, digestive issues, foggy thinking, depression, and weight problems, I have used nutrition and lifestyle modifications to help decrease the symptoms one small step at a time. I went back to school to be trained as an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach plus received advanced training to become a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach. I currently work with women who are having these same symptoms but who are ready to make a change in their health with behavioral and lifestyle modifications and nutrition. If that’s you, click here to schedule a free 20-minute consult to see how we can work together. I’ve helped others and would love the opportunity to help you, too! — Leah Cheshire, NBC-HWC