Digestion off? Bloating, Gas, Indigestion? Could They Be Signs of Something else?

Do you have heartburn, bloating, gas, burping, indigestion, diarrhea, or constipation? Those are digestive symptoms that may stem from autoimmune or chronic health diseases like Hashimoto’s or Graves’ Disease, arthritis, MS, Crohn’s, IBS, or even diabetes (both type 1 and type 2). Or maybe you have some of those but don’t have a formal diagnosis.

You just know something isn’t right.

Did you know that modern scientists are now saying that about 80 – 90% of modern health problems and diseases begin in the gut? Wow!

The gut refers to your gastrointestinal system – from beginning to ending (mouth to anus) and anything in between.

Sometimes we have a slow motility because some medical conditions cause a slower metabolism like Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis so that means everything in your body is working slower — including digestion. Sometimes it’s a side effect of medication.

Sometimes we rush while eating. Anyone ever eat standing up while fixing dinner for your family? Or shove a quick breakfast or snack into your mouth running out the door to work or other activities?

Maybe you’ve just had a fight (ummm “discussion”) with a family member and your stomach is in knots? Or maybe you’re stressed due to other reasons.

There are a wide variety of factors. So what can you do?

First, see a medical practitioner because there are tests you can have run since some medical conditions have more of a tendency to have these symptoms.

But here’s a practical tip that your mama probably told you to do but maybe, just maybe, you’re not doing 🙂

*Eat slowly. Notice your food before you eat it – how it looks, smells, and tastes – and take your time to enjoy it. Appreciate that you even have food because many around the world don’t. Take time to say a prayer of thanks to God and really concentrate on what you’re saying.

*Why? Slowing down helps you move out of the fight or flight state (sympathetic) that most people are in right now – high stress, anxious, running from one activity to the next one. When you slow down, you help your body move into the rest and digest state (parasympathetic) where your digestion can actually occur the way God created it to happen. When you slow down, your anxiety decreases and the nutrients in your food are actually absorbed and used for your health. Otherwise, you’re just chewing, gulping, and filling your stomach. Then you wonder why you’re hungry and having nutritional deficiencies.

Just try it for three days at every meal and see how you feel. You can even put on some quiet music to help remind you to slow down.

If you need some extra help figuring out what’s causing your digestive issues, contact me here for a free 20 minute discovery call. I’d love to see if we’d be a good fit to work together.