How to Eat Healthy When Family Doesn’t

Are you trying to eat healthy ? You’ve set a goal and are working really hard to accomplish it but having some opposition due to unsupportive family or friends? It’s often difficult enough to start a new healthy way of eating or really any goal and then not have the support of the people you care about the most, right? So what can you do?

  1. First, communicate gently with them. Just explain you’re trying to become healthier overall, your reasons why, and the need to make a few changes.
  2. Ask them to do it with you. But don’t nag. If the answer is no, say okay, but I am and I’d appreciate your support.
  3. Check your Mindset. Remind yourself why you are doing this? What are your reasons? What are the deeper, important reasons? Write them down. Examples might be to improve your health by losing 10 pounds to lower blood pressure, decrease joint pain, fit into clothes, sleep better, etc. (Needs to be a deeper purpose other than lose weight for the wedding in 2 months or you know what happens after the wedding? You don’t stick to your plan.)
  4. Have a designated area for your healthy foods in fridge and pantry.
  5. Just model quietly for them. Even though they aren’t joining you, your actions are speaking loudly. You are setting a positive example for them.
  6. Don’t complain to them when it gets hard. (Find an accountability buddy or hire a health and wellness coach.)
  7. Be consistent and take baby steps. Change only one thing at a time. Example, maybe this week you add a salad to dinner just 2 – 3 nights.
  8. Use simple swaps. Maybe bake or roast sweet potatoes instead of French fries. Or use a cauliflower pizza crust on pizza night. For desserts cook sautéed apples with cinnamon and nutmeg or spoon berries over yogurt. Or when you grill hamburgers, you eat a lettuce-wrapped burger instead of using a bun.
  9. Get family interested in cooking some healthy dishes. Often when they make foods, they’ll eat it.
  10. Don’t forget: this is your goal for your own self-care. Only you can make the choice about yourself. You can’t make the choice for another person.

Hope these tips will help you stay the course when you’re striving towards eating healthy. And maybe, just maybe, your loved ones will eventually join you! Just be patient with them and yourself. Usually they will come around to some things if we don’t nag and slowly persevere.

If you’d like support in achieving your goals from someone who not only works with clients but has walked in your shoes as well, reach out because I’d love to help you. Not only do I provide private coaching, but I also have group coaching programs as well. I primarily work with women who are over 40, have digestive problems, fatigue, brain fog, weight struggles, and autoimmune issues. We focus on nutrition and lifestyle modifications to decrease symptoms and become who God created you to be. You can schedule a free 20-minute consult by clicking here. — Leah Cheshire, NBC-HWC