Do you have fears? Fears when thinking about making health and wellness goals?
Fear of change, fear of failure, or maybe fear of success?
Sometimes when discussing health and wellness goals with clients or potential clients, I find they are initially afraid of making changes. Oh, they have changes they want to make. Ones they know will help them physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
But they are afraid of what making those changes might mean. And maybe you have them, too.
What are some of the fears you might have?
*Can I really make the changes? Will they be too hard for me? If I have a family, will my family revolt? Will I be able to take the time to do these changes? Amy I too busy? Am I too old to make the changes? What will the cost be — financially, timewise, mentally, emotionally, etc.?
*Fear of failure. Once I begin, will I fail? What if I don’t finish? What if I don’t begin? What if I stop in the middle? That just might make me feel worse about myself. Maybe I shouldn’t even try? What’s the point?
*Fear of Success. Once I make the changes, then what happens to my current relationships? You know, when one person makes a change in a relationship and the other doesn’t, can it create some issues? Maybe in a marriage or even a friendship. For example, once I quit smoking or drinking a lot, who will my friends be? I don’t want to keep going to bars or inviting my drinking buddies over because I’ll be tempted. Or if I’m trying to eat healthy but my spouse, kids, or friends don’t, how do I handle that? What if I have a party this weekend, how in the world can I do that without giving in? Or will my family or friends think that I think I’m better or superior to them once I actually start changing. (This really is a fear and sometimes can actually happen.)
These are all common fears I hear when people are considering a change. But they are normal. For any of us. No matter who we are, who we are, or how old we are. No matter what type of change we want to make.
Change is just that. It’s different from normal habits and routines we’ve always done. And we humans like the comfort of sameness. We like habits. Routines. We know what is expected and what we usually do. There’s a sense of familiarity about routines.
Well, here’s a different way to think about change. Don’t think about it like change is hard or will I fail or what will happen to my relationships? Or all these negative things that might occur.
Think about this.
What if you don’t change anything?
Let’s say you just continue doing and being like you are right now. And it’s ok – really. It’s a free country and you can do what you want. But just think what will your life look like in a year from now? Or in 5 years from now? Or 10?
So right now in 2025 do you look, feel, and think the exact same as you did this time last year? And do you like that? Do you like where you are right now?
And do you want to be the exact same at the end of this year as you are now? If so, then keep on doing whatever you’re doing, thinking, and feeling.
But if not. Something’s got to change. Right? And if you haven’t been able to make changes by yourself that stick, it’s ok. Really. Most of us need help from someone else to accomplish big things.
And I’ve learned this over the years personally and professionally with others, don’t make huge changes – make one small change at a time. That’s why I always talk about small or baby steps.
So that it’s manageable and not scary. Not overwhelming. But taking one small steps breeds confidence. It’s a forward motion that helps you keep on going.
Sometimes people need help from others. I certainly have in the past. I’ve hired coaches and therapists to help me. No shame in that at all. No one knows everything. That’s why professionals are out there – to help us.
That’s one thing I do with clients as a health and wellness coach – help them get unstuck and on the right path in a forward motion. I’d love to help you, too, so that this year can be your year of positive changes so you feel better physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. You can contact me here to schedule a free consult so we can talk about what you need and see I can help.
I am a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach and help women over 40 who have fatigue, digestive issues like bloating, constipation, brain fog, weight management problems, as well as thyroid and autoimmune conditions. Working as a team, we focus on nutrition and lifestyle factors to help you have more energy, think clearer, decrease your hormonal and digestive issues, and fit into your favorite jeans again. You can do this! You just might need some help from someone who’s been there herself and worked with clients – helping guide, support, and encourage you each step of the way. Contact me here to set up a free strategy session to see how we can work together. — Leah Cheshire, NBC-HWC