I am a big believer in having a daily morning routine which includes a quiet time. This simply begins my day in a gentle and positive manner. Some days I can spend 30 minutes; other days I only have 5-10 minutes. But now it’s as natural as brushing my teeth!

Why Have a Morning Routine?

Having a morning time as part of my routine has been such a positive experience for me both personally and professionally. Since I began working from home once I was almost finished homeschooling my last child, without a morning routine my day felt so haphazard. I’d get pulled into all different directions. And by the end of the day, I couldn’t see anything I had accomplished. But now I see the benefits. Here are a few reasons why I use a morning routine:

  • Increases my productivity for the day
  • Helps cultivate positive habits
  • Increases my energy through my morning exercise
  • Lifts my mood
  • Gives me a sense of accomplishment in the first hour of the day
  • Provides structure so I don’t forget something important
  • Allows me to read more books
  • Helps me grow in my spiritual walk
  • Improves my mental outlook on the day
  • Reduces stress because I start the day in a peaceful manner
  • Helps me be a happier person which improves my relationships with loved ones

There are many ways to develop your own morning routine. It will look different from mine. Just begin somewhere. Then you can add or delete items as is best for your own schedule and personality. And remember, some days you may have more time than others. I still have my morning time on busy days. I just might have to cut short each item to just a minute or two. But that’s okay.

What Does My Morning Routine Include?

Here are some things I like to include in my routine: stating positive affirmations and things I’m grateful for, journaling, deep breathing, reading the Bible, meditating on Bible verses, reviewing my vision and goals, reading for enjoyment or self-help, and exercising. And I always drink a glass of water first; then have a cup of tea. After that, I either shower and begin working. Or sometimes I will start working and grab a shower later in the morning.

What are Some Positive Affirmations or Verses I Use?

Here are some of my favorite quotes, affirmations, or Bible verses that I often use during this time to think about or write down to reinforce resetting my mindset to help me have a great day:

“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.”  — C.S. Lewis

“Achievement is talent plus preparation.” – Malcolm Gladwell

“Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can.” – Arthur Ashe

The key to achieving results is consistency.

“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms – to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”   — Viktor Frankl           

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right either way.”  – Henry Ford             

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” — Philippians 4:13

“Food can fill you but not fulfill you.” — Joshua Rosenthal

“When you are having a rough time, remember that God gives His hardest battles to His strongest soldiers.” — Anonymous

“The most practical way to change who you are is to change what you do.” — James Clear (from “Atomic Habits”)

“I honor progress over perfection.”

“I am making the choice to feel good about myself today. This is a habit to cultivate.”

“I’m not broken. God is making stained glass.”

“My value is not a number on the scale.”

“My life is focused and filled with purpose.”

“Nurture your life by nourishing your body, mind, and soul with healthy food, lifestyle, and daily habits.” — Leah Cheshire

I hope this was helpful as you begin to create your own morning routine. When I first did this a few years ago, it was life-changing. It has helped my mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Just begin with one or two things, and then you’ll gradually figure out what works for you and how to make mornings something to look forward to again!

I am a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach and help women over 40 who have fatigue, digestive issues (like bloating, constipation, IBS), brain fog, weight management problems, as well as thyroid and autoimmune conditions. I work with you and as a team, we focus on nutrition and lifestyle factors to help you have more energy, think clearer, and fit into those favorite jeans again. You can do this! You just might need some help from someone who’s been there herself and worked with clients – helping guide, support, and encourage you each step of the way. Contact me here to set up a free strategy session to see how we can work together. — Leah Cheshire, NBC-HWC