How to Build Your Immune System – Tip 2 – Stress Management

Tip 2 – How to help boost your immune system is Stress Management.

Seriously, we talk about it, but often don’t do anything to alleviate stress. Insanity is sometimes defined as doing the same thing and expecting a different result. With all the recent news about the Coronavirus, no one is exactly sure how to prevent or treat it which can cause many to worry and fret. However, stressing over health or other issues can drive up your cortisol levels which may harm your immune system. And you want a healthy immune system, right?

Taking extra preparations and precautions is a smart thing to do. But don’t obsess and read the news all day long. That won’t help your overall health– physical, mental, or emotional. Here are several simple stress management tips that only take a few minutes during the day. So set a timer for 5-10 minutes and try one or more:

*listen to music

* lie down or sit in a chair with your eyes closed not doing anything else

*don’t look at your screen for 10 min


*get outside in nature

*talk to a family member or friend


*read the Bible

*read a book just for fun

*watch a funny movie


Remember, life will always throw stressful things at us. But we need to be proactive in finding ways to manage stress that will keep us healthy. If you’d like help in working on stress management or other lifestyle factors that can affect your health, contact me here for a free 30-minute consult.